Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Week 1

Today marks the beginning of Week 2. This last week, (with the exception of one BM of diarrhea) has been pretty uneventful. And from what others with IBD have written, I wouldn't expect much to happen related to "my little friends" just yet. :-)

I have had an increase in mucus and gas, but otherwise, no changes.

The big thing for me this week is that the side effects of the prednisone got so bad, I decided to try and cut back on my dose again. Two months ago I was on 40mg daily with instructions from my GI to cut back once per week as much as I can. I made it down to 25mg per day, but twice I tried to reduce to 20mg and both times got increased cramping and bloody diarrhea within two days.

Since then (about 6 weeks at 25mg), the prednisome has caused 30 lbs of weight gain since January, major "moon-face", swelling in my legs and ankles, joint pain, tooth sensitivity, mood swings, general weakness and severe headaches.(BY severe, I mean feeling like a spike was driven through my head for 24 hours!)

I decided to take the prednisone mostly because it enabled me to work. But at this point the side effects where getting so bad it was interfering with my ability to work! So, I decided again to try and cut back, again.

This morning is the third day on just 20mg and though I have had an increase in the number of BMs per day and they are a little looser, I have had no increase in cramping, no diarrhea and no blood.

So, if there is such a thing as a "worm bounce" for IBD patients... maybe that's what I'm having. :-)

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